Actual pollution load control strategy for physical-chemical parameters in the coastal waters of Yos Sudarso Bay Jayapura City
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Physics Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher and Education, Cenderawasih University, Papua, Indonesia
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Bali, Indonesia
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I Nyoman Sukarta   

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. Jl. Udayana Singaraja-Bali- Indonesia 81117
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2025; 2:252-263
The waters of the Youtefa Bay Nature Tourism Park have been heavily polluted with a STORET value of -99. This research aims to: analyze the existing conditions of water quality and analyze the pollution index in the waters of Yos Sudarso Bay. The location of this research is Yos Sudarso Bay, Jayapura City. The sampling points were three locations, namely Village Kayu Pulo, Taman Mesran Area, and in front of the Swiss Bell Hotel. To determine the water quality status of Yos Sudarso Bay, the STORET method and Pollution Index (PI) method are used. The research results show that the actual pollution load is higher than the maximum pollution load, this shows that Yos Sudarso Bay has been polluted by the parameters Detergent, Phenol, NH3-N, Phosphate, and TSS. The strategy model for controlling the pollution load is the implementation of land use regulations, increasing community knowledge, implementation of community income regulations, increasing coordination between OPDs, and using environmentally friendly fishing gear.
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