Analysis of Heavy Metals and Determination of Physicochemical Parameters in Agricultural Soils as a Condition for the Cultivation of Wheat Varieties Triticum Aestivum and Triticum Durum in the Agro Ecological Conditions of Kosovo
University of "Ukshin Hoti" of Prizren, 23010, Kosovo
Faculty of Technology and Technical Sciences Veles, Republic of Macedonia
Faculty of Agribusiness, University of “Haxhi Zeka”, Rr. KLA. Peja 30000, Kosovo
University St. Clement Ohridski Bitola, Address: 1 Мај bb., 7000 Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia
Zaznaczeni autorzy mieli równy wkład w przygotowanie tego artykułu
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2024; 9:243-250
The purpose of the study is the determination of heavy metals in soil samples and their circulation in the food chain. In this study, the correlation between the presence of heavy metals in agricultural soils and the quality preservation of wheat, specifically Triticum Aestivum and Triticum Durum, was investigated. The results indicate that over 85% of the samples contain a high presence of metals compared to Kosovar standards. Land surveying was conducted at distances ranging from 20m to 400m from the highway. The results for Pb at a distance from 20 m showed a value of 2.11 mg·kg-1, while Zn varied with a value of 5.12 mg·kg-1. However, the amount of heavy metals in agricultural soil is not sufficient to determine their risk in the food chain. The samples studied from the wheat varieties exhibited the accumulation of metals in the wheat cultivated in the studied soils. Some wheat samples showed high levels of heavy metals, with Pb varying significantly with a value of 1.99 mg·kg-1, and Cr with a value of 6.12 mg·kg-1. In this study, the circulation of soil metals such as Pb, Cd, Cr, Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn was monitored. The study then continued with the monitoring of soil physicochemical parameters as indicators of soil quality, such as organic carbon. The results showed variations depending on the distance and its concentration. The maximum protein value varied at 11.9%, gluten at 22.8%, moisture at 11.4%, etc., especially for Triticum E. and Triticum D. wheat varieties.
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