Analysis of Urban Forest Distribution in Makassar City and its Effects on Microclimate Conditions and Thermal Comfort in the Surrounding Area
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Environmental Management Study Program, Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
Department of Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
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Andang Suryana Soma   

Department of Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2024; 12:95-104
One of the alternatives to control the impact of environmental problems is the existence of open space. In particular, the green open space included in the study is the urban forest. This research aims to provide new scientific insights in identifying urban forest locations based on the criteria of Government Regulation Number 63 of 2002, as well as analyzing microclimate data through field observation activities and quantitative analysis. Urban forests based on these criteria are the South Sulawesi Governor's Office, Hasanuddin University, Pakui Sayang Park, Hasanuddin Park, Macan Park, and MoI (Maccini Sombala of Indonesia) Park. The highest level of vegetation density is in the Hasanuddin University area, and the South Sulawesi Governor's Office, which is 0.38. Meanwhile, the lowest is in Pakui Sayang Park, Hasanuddin Park, and MoI Park, which is 0.34. The air temperature in the Governor's Office and MoI Park is in the hot category, which is 30.9oC, whereas, the air temperature in other urban forests is in the very hot category, which is 31.1oC to 31.8oC. The air humidity in Pakui Sayang Park is 67.5 with a dry category, while the other urban forests are in the slightly dry category of 71.3% to 74.4%. Thermal comfort at all study sites is in the moderately comfortable category, wind speed is in the calm to shady category. The findings of this study highlight the importance of urban forests as one of the indicators that play an important role in overcoming the problem of increasing temperatures that have an impact on the comfort of people in urban areas.
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