Analysis of the Results of Soil Condition Monitoring in the Territory of the City of Rivne (Ukraine)
Rivne State Humanities University, 12 Stepan Bandera St., Rivne 33000, Ukraine
Viacheslav Chornovil Institute of Sustainable Development, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 Stepan Bandera St., Lviv 79013, Ukraine
Ukrainian National Forestry University, 103 General Chuprynka St., Lviv 79057, Ukraine
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2024; 11:299-307
The study was conducted with the aim of improving the environmental monitoring of soils in the Rivne urban ecosystem using geo-information technologies, followed by visualization of the results based on indicators of total and accumulated pollution with heavy metals (HM). It was found that for the gross form of HM at 54% of soil sampling points, the soils are classified as “Significantly contaminated”, 28% of the soils are “Moderately contaminated”, and 18% of the soils belong to the category “No contamination” with HM. According to PLI values of the mobile form of HM, 62% of the soils are of the "No contamination" category. The soils in the “No contamination” category are predominantly of insular localization and are located near water bodies and on the outskirts of the city. The “Moderately contaminated” soils are identified as 26%, “Substantially contaminated” and “Significantly contaminated” - 4% and 8%, respectively. The “Significantly contaminated” category characterizes the soil cover near large enterprises, near main highways and railways. For visualization, interpolated surfaces of the distribution of total and accumulated contamination with HM were constructed.