Contribution to the evaluation of the ordinary biodiversity of the Chettaba
forest (Algeria) by the potential biodiversity index
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Larbi Ben M’hidi University, Department of Natural and Life Sciences, Exact Sciences and Natural and Life Sciences Faculty, Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria
AUTES research Laboratory, University of Constantine 3, Salah Boubnider, Constantine city, Algeria
Larbi Ben Mhidi University Oum El Bouaghi, Department of Architecture, Earth Sciences and Architecture Faculty, Algeria
Department of Biology and Plant Ecology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life, Frères, Mentouri University, Constantine 25000, Algeria
These authors had equal contribution to this work
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Malika Kanouni Rached
Larbi Ben M’hidi University, Department of Natural and Life Sciences, Exact Sciences and Natural and Life Sciences Faculty, Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria. AUTES research Laboratory, University of Constantine 3, Salah Boubnider, Constantine city, Algeria.
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2025; 4
The degradation of forest habitats and the resulting loss of biodiversity is a major global problem. To integrate biodiversity in the current management of forests, managers need tools based on established scientific knowledge and adapted to their needs and constraints. The objective of the present work is to study the characteristics of the biodiversity of the Chettaba forest (East of Algeria) in order to develop a management plan. In this perspective, a description of the dendrometric properties and the capacity of reception of the forest was carried out. This description was carried out through the implementation of a multifunctional inventory composed of a dendrometric inventory and a potential biodiversity inventory (PBI), a rapid habitat assessment method widely used in France. The results obtained show an average PBI in the Chettaba forest. With total scores ranging from 15 to 31 with percentages from 30 to 62% of the maximum potential. The PBI values related to the factors related to the stand and its forest management are considered average ranging from 31% to 63%, while the PBI values of the factors related to the context vary between 27% and 60% for all plots of the forest. The average tree density is 457 individuals/ha, with an average diameter of 16.31cm and an average height of 4.35m for an average basal area of 11.77m2/ha. Overall, this work provides an overview of the distribution of plots with different levels of potential biodiversity. The current decline in biodiversity shed light on the critical need to develop tools and methods to improve the effectiveness of biodiversity conservation and monitoring in managed and protected areas.