Detection of Potentially Ore-Bearing Hydrothermal Alteration Zones in the Rehamna Massif (Morocco)
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Laboratory of Analysis and Modelling of Water and Natural Resources, Mohamed V University in Rabat, Morocco
National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mines (ONHYM), Rabat, Morocco
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Mohamed El Mimouni   

Laboratory of Analysis and Modelling of Water and Natural Resources, Mohamed V University in Rabat, Morocco
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2024; 9:163-173
This study aims to map minerals of hydrothermal alteration zones in the Rehamna Massif, formerly site of large exploitation of Pb-Zn, Ba-Pb and W-Sn hosted within the Paleozoic basement, using the advantages of remote sensing technique. In this regard, ASTER remote sensing data have been used as a substrate for spectral processing, namely band ratios, to identify hydrothermal alteration zones characteristic of polymetallic mineralization. Band ratio technique leads us to map the Phyllic, Argillic, Prophylitic, Oxidation and kaolinite zones. Other ratios such as Muscovite, Allunite, Calcite and Fe-oxides were also computed. The areas reported were locally compared with the geological setting. The compilations of the results facilitate the identification of eight potential sites suitable for a possible tactical research phase. These results can encourage mining exploration and guide mining companies to the most potentially ore-bearing sites and support the economic development of the Rehamna area.
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