Development of winter wheat productivity under the influence of biopreparations and different moisture conditions in the steppe zone
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Mykolaiv National Agrarian University, Georgii Gongadze Str 9, 54020, Mykolaiv, Ukraine
Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute, National Center of Seed and Cultivar Investigation, 3 Ovidiopolska Road, 65036, Odesa, Ukraine
Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University, Stretenskaya St., 23, Kherson, 73006, Ukraine
Corresponding author
Yevhenii Domaratskiy
Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute, National Center of Seed and Cultivar Investigation, 3 Ovidiopolska Road, 65036, Odesa, Ukraine
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2025; 3:245-254
The article presents the results of research on the influence of moisture conditions and biopreparations on the productivity of plants of different biological characteristics of winter soft wheat varieties. The yield of winter wheat significantly depends on the genetic characteristics of the variety, moisture and nutrition conditions. Pre-sowing seed treatment and foliar fertilization of winter wheat with modern biological products increase grain yields and reduce the chemical load on agrocenoses, which is especially important in today's market economy. The highest level of winter wheat yield under non-irrigated conditions in 2021-2023 on average was formed by the variety Duma Odeska (6.79 t/ha) in the variant with pre-sowing seed treatment with the biological product Azotophyt-r in combination with foliar fertilization with the biological product Helprost, while the lowest productivity was formed by the variety Ovid (5.63 t/ha) in the control variant (pre-sowing seed treatment with clean water without preparations). It has been established that to form a grain yield of 8.43 t/ha, it is necessary to grow a variety of soft winter wheat Duma Odeska under irrigation conditions, the seeds should be treated with the biological product Mycofriend in combination with the foliar application of the biological product Helprost before sowing. When grown under non-irrigated conditions, among the four winter wheat varieties studied, Ozerna cultivar showed the highest grain yield (6.31 t/ha). Under irrigation conditions, the highest grain yield (7.92 t/ha) was on average produced by Duma Odeska winter wheat. Thus, when grown under non-irrigated conditions, a higher yield of winter wheat grain (6.61 t/ha) was obtained by treating seeds with the biological product Azotophyt-r and foliar treatment of plants with the biological product Helprost. A higher grain yield (8.02 t/ha) under irrigation conditions, on average, was formed by winter wheat plants in the variant with pre-sowing seed treatment with the biological product Mycofriend and foliar feeding with the biological product Mycohelp.