Hybrid Modelling Using Lattice Boltzmann and Finite Difference Methods of Dikes Effect on Sediment Transport and Morphological Processes with a Quasi-Tridimensional Approach
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LS2ME Polydisciplinary Faculty of Khouribga, Sultan Moulay Slimane University BP: 145, 25000, Morocco
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Anass Bendaraa   

LS2ME Polydisciplinary Faculty of Khouribga, Sultan Moulay Slimane University BP: 145, 25000, Morocco
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2024; 11:146-162
This paper presents the development of a quasi-three-dimensional model that utilizes an equilibrium technique to investigate the morphological change of a channel focused on transport of sediment. The authors developed a computational algorithm that integrates two numerical techniques, specifically the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) and the Finite-Difference Method (FDM), to perform a hybrid calculation. The aforementioned algorithm was employed to investigate the impact of dykes on the dynamics of channel flow, sediment transport, and bed evolution. To derive the three-dimensional velocity field, the Boltzmann lattice method is employed to compute the two horizontal components of the vertically integrated velocity. Subsequently, these two components are combined with a logarithmic vertical profile. The process of sediment particle transport can be divided into two components: the bed load transport rate and the suspended load transport rate. The latter determination is achieved through the computation of the equilibrium flow rate of suspended sediment, which is derived from the equilibrium concentrations and logarithmic velocities. The estimation of the rate of bottom change is derived by solving the sediment mass conservation equation using the finite-difference method. This study demonstrates that the existence of dykes has a substantial influence on the movement, accumulation, and erosion of sediment within channels, as well as the alteration of bed elevation.
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