Integrated approach for assessing suitable location of the subsurface dams in the Al Kur watershed, Iraq
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Civil Engineering Department, University of Babylon, Babylon, Iraq
These authors had equal contribution to this work
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Mustafa Najdat Kasim   

Civil Engineering Department, University of Babylon, Babylon, Iraq
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2025; 2:363-378
This study used advanced hydrological models, such as AGWA2 with extensions SWAT and KINEROS2, to assess water basins that lack observed field measurements. This approach provides a practical understanding of data systems for ungauged watersheds. Consequently, the research aims to evaluate and identify suitable sites for subsurface dams in the Al Kur basin in northern Iraq. Additionally, this will contribute to the development of these areas, creating opportunities for the return of residents and sustainable organization of population and agricultural activities after two decades of unstable conditions as a result of conflicts and military operations where local governments are actively working towards achieving this goal. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) identified Basin No. 20 as the most suitable location based on multiple decision criteria, including evapotranspiration, percolations, water yield, transmission losses, and sediment yield, which were obtained by applying the SWAT model for the study watershed. Evaluated SWAT model results indicate that Basin No. 20 received the highest rating based on these criteria. Using the KINEROS2 model, analysed Basin No. 20's response to individual rainstorm events. Were confirmed its ability to utilize runoff for groundwater recharging with minimal sediment load, with only 0.286% of sediment load volume from the total outflow volume. This makes it a promising site for constructing a subsurface dam and contributes to improving water resource management in the region.
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