Qualitative Evaluation and Mapping of Water Erosion Risks in the Central Pre-Rif (Northern Morocco) – The Case of the Oued Lebene Watershed
Functional Ecology and Environmental Engineering Laboratory (LEFGE), FST-Fes, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University
Laboratory of Innovative Materials and Mechanical Manufacturing Processes (IMMM), ENSAM-Meknes, Moulay Ismail University, Marjane 2, BP: 15290 Meknes 50500, Morocco
Autor do korespondencji
Fahed El Amarty
Functional Ecology and Environmental Engineering Laboratory (LEFGE), FST-Fes, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2024; 12:253-268
The Oued Lebene watershed is a sub-basin of the Sebou River located in the central part of the Rif region. The objective of this study is the modeling and mapping of areas sensitive to water erosion, using the guidelines of the classical PAP/CAR methodology in comparison with a modified approach based on the introduction of the slope length factor instead of slope, and soil type instead of lithology. This is combined with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and validation through field observations.The predictive phase, illustrated by the thematic map of erosive states using the classical modeling approach, shows that the average to high erosion degree covers 71.57% of the study area. Modeling with the introduction of the LS factor and soil type highlights a sensitivity to erosion ranging from moderate to high, at an order of 45.26%. Mapping current erosion as a descriptive approach, based on the processing of current satellite images from Google Earth and field observations, allows for the spatialization of different types of water erosion and the creation of a real map of the distribution of erosion forms. Analysis of the latter reveals that linear erosion and surface gullies cover 88.42% of the total basin area. The consolidated PAP/CAR map resulting from the overlay of the previous maps reveals that the localized trend of expansion or intensification is represented by 66.15% in the classical version, decreasing to 33.58% after the modification of input parameters. The approach used has revealed that slope length and soil type significantly influence the spatial distribution of various forms of erosion. This study also highlights the importance of incorporating other factors affecting the erosion process and identifies high-risk areas that require prompt and sustainable intervention in the Oued Leben watershed.