Seasonal fish diversity, distribution, and their relation to physicochemical parameters: a case study of the Lepenc River Basin, Kosovo
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Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Biology, University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Prishtinë, Kosovo
School of Health Sciences, Universum International College, Prishtina, Kosovo
Faculty of Agribusiness, University of Peja “Haxhi Zeka”, Pejë, Kosovo
Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, North Macedonia
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Bardh Xërxa   

School of Health Sciences, Universum International College, Prishtina, Kosovo
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2025; 4
This study presents the findings from three seasonal field surveys conducted in the Lepenc River and its tributaries during 2023. The surveys were carried out on May, July, and October, focusing on six sampling sites: Prevallë, Lepenc (Kaçanik), Hani i Elezit, Jezerc, Gerlicë, and Nerodime (Kaçanik). Standardized electrofishing technique was applied, in accordance with the methods used by the European Union Water Framework Directive (EU WFD) monitoring protocols, which have been implemented in many Balkan regions. A total of 790 fish specimens were caught, identified, measured, and subsequently released back into their natural habitats. The species found during this investigation were: Salmo sp., Barbus balcanicus, Squalius varedaresnisi, Alburnoides thessalicus, Alburnus thessalicus, Gobio balcanicus, Phoxinus sp., and Oxynoemacheilus bureschi. The sampling site in Gerlicë consistently showed no presence of fish, likely due to pollution. The findings provide a comprehensive overview of fish community composition and their seasonal variations, highlighting the influence of physicochemical parameters on aquatic biodiversity. The results emphasize the urgent need for conservation measures to address habitat degradation and pollution, ensuring the preservation and restoration of biodiversity in the Lepenc River Basin.
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