The Sulfur Dioxide Absorption Capacity of Plants Tecoma Stans and its Effect on Antioxidants
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Environmental Pollution Department-Environmental Sciences, College-Al-Qasim Green University, Babylon 51013, Iraq
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Ameera O. Hussain Al-Janabi   

Environmental Pollution Department-Environmental Sciences, College-Al-Qasim Green University, Babylon 51013, Iraq
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2024; 9:268-276
The current study used to prove the efficiency of Tecoma stans to sulfur dioxide gas (SO2) was at a concentration of 10 mg.m-3 which is equal to 3.82 ppm for the period from summer exposure - May - June 2023 to reduce SO2 thus reduce some gaseous pollutants that cause global warming and some air pollutants and know the effect of seasonal conditions to mitigate these pollutants. The physiological changes of the three replicates of study plant were observed through equal time periods daily for a period of seven days covered with polyethylene under controlled conditions represented by a greenhouse. The process was repeated three times between the three exposures provide rest periods for the plant for a week. During summer exposure, it was found that the concentration of flavonoids was significantly increased as compare to control (5.222±0.27 mg/100 ml of extract) from 6.58±0.43 to 6.24±0.31 mg/100 ml of extract, but this concentration was increased after the third exposure into to 6.99±0.29 mg/100ml of extract. There was decrease in Tannins concentration after the second exposure (with concentration 1.5±0.05 to 0.72±0.01 µl/ml)), but this concentration was returned increased significantly to 1.36±0.01 µl/ml) after the third exposure to SO2. Also in The enzyme activities for peroxidase (POD), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) demonstrated varied responses to SO2 exposure, and T. stans showing distinct patterns of enzyme activation. The effect of POD and CAT increased in plants which exposure into SO2, whereas CAT play important role in inhibition of ROS.
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