Flood Vulnerability of Masamba Urban Area, North Luwu Regency
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Department of Urban Planning, Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
Department of Urban Management, Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
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Irfandi Ma’mur   

Department of Urban Planning, Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2024; 12:85-94
This research aims to analyze the level of flood vulnerability in Masamba urban area, using quantitative and qualitative descriptive approaches. Data analysis techniques were carried out by weighting, scoring, and overlaying for each flood-causing parameter map, including; slope map, rainfall, land elevation, soil type, and land use. Delineation of flood-prone areas is determined based on spatial analysis between the Detailed Spatial Plan (RDTR) map of Masamba urban area and the maps of these parameters, obtaining the area and classification of the level of vulnerability to flood disasters in the Masamba urban area. The results of the analysis show that the low flood vulnerability level is located in Kamiri Village and Masamba Village and part of the area in Kappuna Village with an area of 83.39 Ha or 7.22%, the medium flood vulnerability level covers Radda Village and Baliase Village with an area of 824.75 Ha or 71.58%, while Bone Village and Bone Tua Village are included in the high vulnerability classification category with an area of 244, 07 Ha or 21.18% of the Masamba urban Detailed Spatial Plan (RDTR) area. Based on the research findings, mitigation efforts are needed in spatial planning in North Luwu Regency. Directions for spatial utilization in the flood-prone Masamba urban area, including; development of a flood disaster mitigation system with structural and non-structural methods. Recommendations for spatial utilization in Masamba urban area to minimize similar flash flood events in the future are reviewing the Detailed Spatial Plan (RDTR) of Masamba urban area, revising the urban drainage system master plan, modeling the classification of flood-prone areas. With the availability of flood vulnerability data in North Luwu Regency, it can be an input for the government and the community as a basis for decision making in spatial planning, spatial utilization and spatial control to create a resilient and sustainable Masamba City.
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