Shaping a Favorable Environment in Line with Social Expectations on Residential Areas
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Wydział Geodezji Inżynierii Przestrzennej i Budownictwa, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, ul. Heweliusza 4,, 10-724 Olsztyn
Publication date: 2017-12-01
Corresponding author
Joanna Agnieszka Pawłowicz   

Wydział Geodezji Inżynierii Przestrzennej i Budownictwa, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, ul. Heweliusza 4,, 10-724 Olsztyn
Inż. Ekolog. 2017; 6:16-22
The driving force behind the development of any city includes its residents. Hence, it is very important that they have the opportunity to live, work and rest in a friendly environment. The source of their well-being and positive aesthetic experience is a harmonious landscape shaped by a functional spatial arrangement of streets, shapes of buildings, as well as the accompanying nature, ensuring rational development of the city space. One of the key stages that developers and construction companies must take into consideration when planning new investments, is becoming familiar with people's expectations regarding their future place of residence. It is no secret that each square meter of building land is a potential source of profit for developers. The more apartments they build and sell, the more they earn. However, in order for apartments to be sold, they must meet the expectations of their potential buyers related not only to apartments and buildings themselves, but also to the environment surrounding them. Therefore, it is very important that residential estates be attractive and satisfy the needs of their dwellers, which substantially comes down to the comfort of living, rest and recreation within their place of residence. The primary objective behind meeting these needs is to stimulate the demand for new apartments among people, integrate the local community and increase the people' satisfaction with living in a friendly environment.
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