Preparation of magnetic activated carbon based on breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) peel waste by impregnation method for lead absorption in wastewater
Chemical Engineering Study Program, Surabaya Adhi Tama Institute of Technology, Indonesia, Arif Rahman Hakim Street 100, Surabaya , Indonesia
Environmental Engineering Study Program, Surabaya Adhi Tama Institute of Technology, Arif Rahman Hakim Street 100, Surabaya , Indonesia
Industrial Engineering Study Program, Surabaya Adhi Tama Institute of Technology, Arif Rahman Hakim Street 100, Surabaya , Indonesia
Autor do korespondencji
Kartika Udyani
Chemical Engineering Study Program, Surabaya Adhi Tama Institute of Technology, Indonesia, Arif Rahman Hakim Street 100, Surabaya , Indonesia
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2025; 3:87-94
Magnetic activated carbon has been made from breadfruit skin waste using the impregnation method. The research began with the drying of breadfruit skin followed by carbonization. Furthermore, breadfruit skin carbon was activated using H3PO4. The final stage of making magnetic activated carbon is impregnation of Fe3O4 into activated carbon. The resulting magnetic activated carbon is then applied to treat Pb-containing wastewater. Characterization results show that the surface area of magnetic activated carbon is 1110.804 m2/g with a pore diameter of 18.590A. The surface morphology of magnetic activated carbon shows the presence of Fe in the pore indicated by the presence of white color. Based on SEM EDX analysis, it is known that the Fe content on magnetic activated carbon is 16.6%. The ability of Pb absorption in waste based on the calculation of adsorption capacity is 6.635 mg/g.
Keywords: breadfruit, magnetic, adsorption, impregnation, surface area.