Ecological Engineering and Environmental Technology (EEET) – is an international scientific journal widely looking up of ecological and technological solutions related to environmental engineering.
Ecological engineering is a theoretical and applied knowledge in many fields of science and technology, which is the basis of rational use and protection of the natural environment (
Prof. Jan Siuta).
All articles are published full in English.
The articles are published in an electronic version, and the printed version does not appear.
In our journal there are not special issues published.
Our ethic statements are based on COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors – available online at
EEET is a member of CrossRef – the citation-linking backbone for online publications.
iThenticate – a plagiarism detection service
iThenticate service was developed in partnership with CrossRef. It is the most prominent similarity check service of plagiarism detection include intellectual property protection and document-versus-documents analysis. The editorial board undertake the comprehensive manuscripts screening, aiming to eliminate plagiarism and provide a high standard and quality peer-review process.
Topics of the JournalPro-ecological technologies and products
Industrial and municipal waste management
Renewable energy technologies
Energy-saving technologies
Anthropogenic pollution in the environment
Environmental monitoring
Sustainability in environmental engineering
Circular economy
Climate change in the environment
Processing and usage of mineral resources
Recovery of valuable materials and fuels
Surface water and groundwater management
Water and wastewater treatment
Smog and air pollution prevention
Prevention of noise spread
Protection and reclamation of soils
Reclamation and revitalization of degraded areas
Heavy metals in the environment
Environmental protection of rural areas
Restoration and protection of urban environment
Environmental life-cycle assessment (LCA)
Simulations and computer modeling in the environmental engineering
IT technologies and applications for the environmental protection
Abstracting and Indexing
DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals
IC Journals Master List
Google Scholar
PBN – Polska Bibliografia Naukowa
Honorary Supervision
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej – Polish Society of Ecological Engineering
Branch in Lublin
ul. Nadbystrzycka 40B
20-618 Lublin, Poland
The frequency of issues
Monthly (from 2024)
The history of the Journal
From 2000 to 2020 – Inżynieria Ekologiczna (in Polish) print ISSN 2081-139X, on-line ISSN 2392-0629
From 2021, continued – Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology on-line ISSN 2719-7050