Assessment of Environmental Performance and Development Sustainability of Systems Product
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Faculty of Commerce , University of Economics in Bratislava
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Kosice
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Naqib Daneshjo   

Faculty of Commerce , University of Economics in Bratislava
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2023; 3:192-200
The current stage of production development is marked by the search for more exact models ensuring its sustainability. This is perceived mainly as a balance of socio-economic and environmental pillars of development activities. The basis for managing the sustainability of socio-economic development and the development of the organization today and in the near future is the assessment of the environmental performance of product systems related to their overall socio-economic value improving the quality of life. In order to simultaneously solve the issue of creating and protecting the environment and ensuring the commercial and economic sustainability of products, it is possible to use the international standard ISO 14045, designed on the basis of the standards for LCA - ISO 1404 and 14044. In relation to sustainable production, it is currently proving to be a very effective addition methodically by linking to the framework green growth indicators from the OBCD level and their integration into the innovation model for assessing the environmental performance and development sustainability of product systems. As part of our research, variants of possible transition paths in the development of a sustainable product were modeled in relation to its future environmental profile.
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