Groundwater Quality Assessment of the Northern Region of the Middle Sébaou in Algeria, Using Water Quality Index and Multivariate Analysis
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Institute of Technology, University of Bouira, Bouira 10 000, Algeria
Laboratory of Water and Environment Engineering in Saharan Environment (GEEMS), University of Ouargla, Ouargla 30000, Algeria
Corresponding author
Amina Rezig   

Institute of Technology, University of Bouira, Bouira 10 000, Algeria
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2023; 7:148-153
In Algeria, groundwater frequently serves as a main source of drinking water supply. Given the country's geographical characteristics and water resource availability, many municipalities rely on groundwater to meet their drinking water needs. In this study, the quality of groundwater for drinking purposes in the northern region of the Middle Sébaou was assessed by obtaining hydrochemical data from ten groundwater samples in 2019. The study aimed to analyze and evaluate the hydrochemical composition of the groundwater using multivariate analysis and the water quality index (WQI) to determine its suitability for human consumption. Statistics showed that the concentrations of calcium (Ca2+) and bicarbonates (HCO3-) exceed the potability standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for drinking water. Piper diagram demonstrates the existence of tow hydrochemical facies: bicarbonate calcium and magnesium, and chloride and sulphate calcium and magnesium. According to the WQI values obtained in this study, ranging from 53.32 to 71.18, all of the groundwater samples exhibit good water quality based on the classification of the WQI method. Based on these results, the groundwater of the northern region of the Middle Sébaou is suitable for drinking purposes.
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