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Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu, ul. Piątkowska 94, 60-648 Poznań
Publication date: 2017-02-01
Corresponding author
Piotr Stachowski   

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu, ul. Piątkowska 94, 60-648 Poznań
Inż. Ekolog. 2017; 1:1-8
This paper presents the functioning of a closed pond as a small storage reservoir in the urban catchment area located in the Wilda district of Poznań. It presents the natural, hydro-geological and urban conditions and the factors conditioning the water level in the pond. Particular attention was focused upon on the pond as a rainwater receiver. The total catchment area and partial catchment area were determined. The inflow of water into the pond, with varying degrees of probability of occurrence, was calculated based on metrological data. The example of a pond in the John Paul II Park shows that this reservoir may be effectively used as rainwater receiver, without underestimating their other functions. They contribute to the increase of the underground water resources, increase the attractiveness of the recreational area and provide a natural value. However, the continuous urbanization, sealing the soil surface and the occurrence of extreme weather conditions necessitate a comprehensive look at the management of rainwater in urban areas. Calculations showed that the largest inflow of rain water occurs after a day’s rain with the probability p = 100%, and would amount to 3365 m3, and the water level in the pond would rise by only 0.25 m to a capacity of about 7000 m3. This represents 57% of the total capacity of the pond. If such an increase in the water level had occurred during the period of high water levels in the pond, it could not have damaging consequences of flooding. Only the occurrence of a day’s rain with the probability p = 10%, and capacity around 4700 m3, would completely fill the pond. Such a situation can be avoided by recultivation and desilting the bottom of the pond, where the slime collects with a capacity of 1300 m3.
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