Method of Analysis of Thermophysical Properties and Composition of Nuclear Fuel During Modernization of Active Zones of Nuclear Power Reactors
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Department of Ecology, National Aviation University, 1, Huzara Lyubomyra Ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03058
Interdepartmental Center for Fundamental Scientific Research in the Field of Energy and Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, "Odessa Polytechnic" and the Ministry of Ecology of Ukraine, 1, Shevchenko Ave, Odesa, Ukraine, 65044
Department of Environmental Protection and Labor Protection Technology, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, 31, Povitroflotskyi Ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03037
Interdepartmental Center for Fundamental Scientific Research in the Field of Energy and Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, "Odesa Polytechnic" and Ministry of Ecology of Ukraine, 1, Shevchenko Ave, Odesa, Ukraine, 65044
Corresponding author
Olena Zhukova   

Department of Environmental Protection and Labor Protection Technology, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, 31, Povitroflotskyi Ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03037
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2023; 6:186-191
The developed alternative method of analyzing the safety of the active zone of reactor installations is justified for improving the thermophysical properties and composition of nuclear fuel, designs of heat-releasing assemblies, reactor operation modes at increased or reduced power, etc. The impact of modernization on the safety criteria and conditions of reactor installations (RF) was analyzed. Attention was focused on the fact that until now there have been no sufficiently substantiated and accepted criteria and conditions for "steam" explosions in the Russian Federation. It was shown that when analyzing the safety of HF modernization with deterministic codes, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of negative effects of "user code" (EUC) and "code difference" (ECD), which can significantly affect the results of re-simulation of accidents with deterministic codes taking into account modernizations.
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