The problem of household furnace waste management
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Instytut Chemicznej Przeróbki Węgla, ul. Zamkowa 1, 41-803 Zabrze
Publication date: 2018-06-01
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Ryszard Wasielewski   

Instytut Chemicznej Przeróbki Węgla, ul. Zamkowa 1, 41-803 Zabrze
Inż. Ekolog. 2018; 3:36-44
In the paper issues related to the management of waste from household furnaces fired with solid fuels, in particular hard coal, are presented. Waste from household furnaces is classified as non-hazardous municipal waste and is classified under code ex 20 01 99. The amount of this waste in the form of slags and ashes in Poland exceeds 2.5 million tons per year. A furnace waste from households is a technical problem for municipal mixed wastes sorting installations. The paper presents results of a testing of furnace waste samples from several types of heating devices used in the households. The content of a large amount of unburned coal was found in the tested samples, especially in coarse fractions. This feature hinders the possibility of storing household waste as well as their economic use. Moreover, furnace waste does not meet the requirements for inert waste. The analysis of current opportunities of waste management/proceeding from household furnaces was made and legislative changes were proposed to facilitate their storage or economic use.
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