Spectral Analysis Method for Distinguishing Heavy Metals Pollution in the Pioneer Vegetation of Landfills Located within the Prikarpatian Geobotanical District of Ukraine
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Lviv State University of Life Safety, Institute of Civil Protection, Kleparivska Str., 35, 79000 Lviv, Ukraine
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Kateryna A. Korol   

Lviv State University of Life Safety, Institute of Civil Protection, Kleparivska Str., 35, 79000 Lviv, Ukraine
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2023; 1:29-37
In Ukraine, the tourism and recreation industry is widespread. These are mostly resort complexes with health boarding houses, hotels and restaurants. However, in Ukraine, the issue of solid household waste processing and active landfills, located near recreation facilities, is practically not addressed. Undoubtedly, this situation has a negative effect on the processes of recovery, because, as is known, landfills are depositing dangerous substances and compounds, which, due to geochemical flows, get into all components of the environment, which seem to be clean. The object of present research is the analysis of heavy metals content in the roots of trees on the Bronytsya landfill, located within the tourist and recreational complex of the Lviv region of Ukraine. The determination of the chemical content in the roots of trees is important because it is possible to define the pollution rate of the environment in the health resort regions.
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