Visualization of Fire in Space and Time on the Basis of the Method of Spatial Location of Fire-Dangerous Areas
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Institute of Civil Protection, Lviv State University of Life Safety, Kleparivska Str. 35, Lviv, 79007, Ukraine
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Andrii Havrys   

Institute of Civil Protection, Lviv State University of Life Safety, Kleparivska Str. 35, Lviv, 79007, Ukraine
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2023; 2:28-37
The subject of the study is the forecasting of fires, on the example of Australian events in the winter of 2013, using the spatial location of fire-hazardous areas. To do this, several approaches were used to visualize data in space and time. A temporary map has been created showing the points of fires using a color scheme linked to the date. A series of small multiple visualizations has been developed. A time series has been created in which the regularity of the brightness of points is distributed depending on the date of origin and animated maps that allow you to view data in space and time. In this case, the geographic information system was used as the main tool when working with maps, as it is one of the best ways to process georeferenced data displayed on the map. A space-time cube is displayed, which displays data in 3D format, or rather, fire points, symbolized by the average temperature of the fire (displayed in different colors) in accordance with the day of the month. Finally, clusters of focal points were created using the space-time framework in the ArcGIS software environment. The described results of using the method of spatial location of fire hazardous zones, in addition to the direct task - localization of fire points (fires), this method makes it possible to study patterns in spatial and temporal scales, with the possibility of further visualization of the spatio-temporal cube in 3D format in the ArcScene program, which will allow more efficient predict fire hazardous periods and areas in the study area. The method of spatial location of fire hazardous areas can be used for any investigated area for which there are statistical and spatial data, both for the purpose of localizing fires, and for the purpose of studying patterns in selected space-time scales.
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