Drinking Water Quality Assessment in the Suhareka Municipality
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UBT College, Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences, “Kalabria” 10000 Priştina, Republic of Kosovo
Regional Institute of Public Health in Prizren, Str. Sh. Emini” 20000, Prizren, Republic of Kosovo
Campus College “Rezonanca” “Veternik” 10000 Pristina, Republic of Kosovo
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Sejran Abdushi
UBT College, Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences, “Kalabria” 10000 Priştina, Republic of Kosovo
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2023; 5:195-201
Reliable access to safe drinking water is one necessity for humans to live without concern for major health risks. The overall goal of this research is to analyze some physic-chemical and bacteriological parameters aspects of the quality of water for human consumption. In this study, water samples were collected from January to May month of 2022 from 25 stations throughout at Suhareka Region. Considering the results of the analysis, in terms of physic-chemical the water is within the required standards, while bacteriologically it found samples with the presence of bacteria, which are the result of carelessness, old installations, or even irresponsible disinfection. Officials of Suhareka Municipality must increase the monitoring of the work in the water disinfection or chlorination process.