Monitoring of the ground environment in Poland
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Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej, Instytut Ochrony i Inżynierii Środowiska, ul. Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała
Publication date: 2020-09-01
Corresponding author
Andrzej Jaguś   

Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej, Instytut Ochrony i Inżynierii Środowiska, ul. Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała
Inż. Ekolog. 2020; 3:24-32
The article presents nationwide environmental monitoring systems related to the ground environment. The first system is the monitoring of chemical properties of arable soil, aiming to estimate the quality of agricultural soils in Poland. Totally 216 points are being monitored. The problem is mainly soil acidification and a deficiency of available phosphorus. The second one is monitoring of agricultural drought. It is based on the determination of the climate water balance in connection with soil retention capacity. When a drought is confirmed it entitles to receive state financial assistance. The third system is the landslides monitoring, which mainly concerns the area of the Polish Carpathians. The areas endangered by ground movements are indicated, and within landslides surface of ground displacements (GPS measurements) and deep movements (inclinometric measurements ) are analyzed. The scope of each monitoring was reviewed, as well as numerous methodological information was given. The attention was paid to practical aspects of the monitoring activities. ​The results of each monitoring are available to be public message in varying degrees, which makes it possible to discuss them.
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