Optimization of Technological Process Parameters to Create an Environmentally Friendly Waste Processing Technology
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Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting, Miklukho-Maklaya Str. 23, 117485, Moscow, Russia
Publication date: 2022-05-01
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Zinaida M. Nazarova   

Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting (MGRI)
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2022; 3:15-22
Sources of formation of environmental hazards in the Technosphere are industrial facilities and other objects of economic activity. The danger lies in the transformation of elements of the natural subsystem, and in the impact on humans. Man-made impact contributes to the emergence and accumulation of environmental hazards in the environment. The type of technological process, the frequency of its action and the intensity of man-made factors contribute to the appearance of manifestations of environmental danger, which puts before society the need to study the state of this danger and ways to eliminate it. Determining the real state of human environmental safety and the natural environment under the influence of factors of contamination of soil and hydrosphere waste from electroplating production with harmful and dangerous substances is a problem today. Heavy metal ions found in sludge and taken to landfills can form water-soluble complex compounds and create an environmental hazard, which manifests itself in contamination of soils and underground aquifers. One of the serious, unresolved and constantly increasing problems is the problem of solid waste: its quantity is constantly growing, the composition is becoming more diverse, there are not enough territories for their placement, and the cost of their disposal is increasing. It should be noted that the problem of solid waste has long turned from a purely ecological one into a socio-ecological one: solid waste is not only a significant factor in pollution of the air Environment, Water Resources, soil and other natural components, but also the cause of a decrease in the quality of life, which is manifested in an increase in the incidence of diseases of the population, a decrease in income, deterioration of working and Recreation conditions. Solid waste management within the framework of socio-economic policy directly affects the development of the region. A special feature of Solid Waste Management is that this process is initiated simultaneously at different levels of management: from state to local (level of an economic entity).
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