Soil Erosion Estimation Using an Empirical Model, Hypsometric Integral and Geo-Information Science – A Case Study
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Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning, UBT – Higher Education Institution, Magjistralja Prishtine - Ferizaj, Pristina, Kosovo
K. Banerjee Centre of Atmospheric and Ocean Studies, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj 211002, India
Kosovo Cadastral Agency, Pristina, Kosovo
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2023; 4:62-72
A comprehensive methodology that integrates Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques was adopted to determine the soil erosion vulnerability of a forested mountainous watershed. The spatial pattern of annual soil erosion rate was obtained by integrating geo-environmental variables in a raster based GIS method. GIS data layers including, rainfall erosivity (R), soil erodability (K), slope length and steepness (LS), cover management (C) and conservation practice (P) factors were computed to determine their effects on average annual soil loss in the area. The resultant map of annual soil erosion shows a maximum soil loss of 112.61 ton ha-1 y-1 with a close relation to grass land areas, degraded forests and deciduous forests on the steep side-slopes (with high LS ). The geographic age of the city shown by the hypsometric analysis was mature to old stage. The spatial erosion maps generated with RUSLE method and GIS can serve as effective inputs in deriving strategies for land planning and management in the environmentally sensitive mountainous areas.