Study of the Operation of an Industrial Water Treatment Plant of the Northern Soft Drink Company Fez, Morocco
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Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology, Agri-food, Health Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Faculty of Sciences, Fez, Morocco
Laboratory of Molecular Organometallic Materials Engineering and Environment, Faculty of Sciences, University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Fez, Morocco
Laboratory Step of the Company of the Carbonated Drinks of the North
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Ibtissame Elmansouri   

Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology, Agri-food, Health Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Faculty of Sciences, Fez, Morocco
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2022; 6:227-232
In order to verify the operation of the NSDC company's industrial water treatment plant and to optimize the quality of the liquid discharges by coagulation and flocculation, we carried out the physico-chemical characterization of these liquid discharges and optimized the elimination of the organic matter. The results show that the abatement rate of the parameters SM, COD and BOD5 of the step are respectively 67%, 66% and 89% during November 79% 81% 89% during December and 69% 82% 89% during January. The treated wastewater showed that the WWTP is working properly, but in the coagulation flocculation treatment step instead of using a large amount of Dekfloc alone, we tried to optimize the dose of a plant powder as bio flocculant injected with DEKFLOC as coagulant, which will increase the removal rate of organic matter. The tests of coagulation flocculation show that the application of the combination between DEKFLOC and the powder of the cactus allows to increase the rate of abatement of COD to 54%, of BOD5 to 67%, of TSS to 80%, and therefore the reduction of microorganisms.
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