Use Fry of Cyprinus carpio as Biomarker for Lead and Cadmium
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College of Science, University of Babylon, Babylon, Iraq
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Sara Khalid Aljaryan   

College of Science, University of Babylon, Babylon, Iraq
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2024; 3:64-69
Fishes are considered a good biomarker, and bioindicator of pollution, Our current research aims to investigate the magnification of ( Pb and Cd ) and how both affect antioxidants and use fry carp Cyprinus carpio as a bioindicator. The samples were analyzed to find the possible biomagnification of metals in fish. The highest concentration in fry fish fed with Artemia used Dunaliella salina as food treated with Pb in Food type 1 for 28 days, with a significant difference. The highest concentration of Cd in fry fish fed with Artemia used D.salina as food treated with Cd in Food type 1 for 28 days, with a significant difference. The activity of the enzyme ( SOD - GSH - CAT– GST ) U / gm is affected by toxicity in fry fish mussels. The investigation has proved that exposure of fish to (lead and cadmium) induced a significant increase in content and increased activity of GST U / gm. For this purpose, an aquarium-based trial was conducted with two different types of food treated with Cd and Pb. The highest concentration of SOD U / gm enzyme of fry fish fed with Artemia used D.salina treated with Pb in Food type 1 for 28 days when fry fish fed on Artemia used food treated with Pb the results show a strong positive significant correlation between ( GPX, with SOD and CAT ) U / gm And ( SOD, with CAT )U / gm. While the concentration has a positive significant correlation with all enzymes, With Cd the highest concentration was in the SOD U/gm enzyme in fry fish fed with Artemia that used D.salina as food treated with Cd in Food type 2 for 28 days.
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