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Instytut Inżynierii Środowiska, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu, pl. Grunwaldzki 24, 50-363 Wrocław
Centrum Nowych Technologii, MPWiK S.A. we Wrocławiu, ul. Na Grobli 14/16, 50-421 Wrocław
Publication date: 2014-10-17
Inż. Ekolog. 2014; 39:187-197
Monitoring of the drainage networks is an extremely important tool used to understand the phenomena occurring in them. In an era of urbanization and increased run-off, at the expense of natural retention in the catchment, it helps to minimize the risk of local flooding and pollution. In its scope includes measurement of the amount of rainfall, with the use of rain gauges, and their measure in the sewer network, in matter of flows and channel filling, with the help of flow meters. An indispensable part in this step is their proper calibration calibration. In addition to ongoing monitoring of the sewer system, periodic inspections by the qualified employees of Water and Sewage Company should be done. The following article reviews measurement devices, their calibration methods, as well as the phenomena that occur during operation in the sewer network. It provides a solution for monitoring and control based on the experience of the Municipal Water and Sewage Company in Wroclaw, describing common operational problems, their causes, prevention methods and a network operation walkthrough with the improve of performance indicators KPI (Key Performance Indicators) according the ECB (European Benchmarking Co-operation).
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