The paper presents the results of the researches carried out in two hydrological years 2000/2001 and 2009/2010. These two years were wet ones with high precipitation sums. The researches were carried out at the catchment of water pond No 5, located at Laski Forestry of Siemianice Experimental Farm. The area catchment of pond No 5 is about 20 ha and its forestation totals 100%. It is situated in a part of Pomianka catchment – left-side tributary of Prosna River. In the investigated catchment predominant fresh habitats spreading through 95% area. Moist broadleaved forest and moist mixed broadleaved forest are located in the area neighbouring to the pond. The haplic luisol and haplic cambisol (dystric) are predominant in soils of the catchment area. Whereas, loamy sand a predominant soil there . The researches and analyses confirmed that retention changes in 1m soil layer as well as changes of groundwater storages had significant meaning in the evaluation of forest habitats retention. The research showed an increase of water storages in both analysed years, whereas in 2009/2010 hydrological year increase was higher than in the first analysed year (2000/2001) of about 160 mm.
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