Biotechnological Reclamation of Oil-Polluted Soils
Sumy State University, 2 Rymskogo-Korsakova St., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine
Lviv National Polytechnic University, 12 S. Bandery St., 79013 Lviv, Ukraine
Data publikacji: 01-03-2021
Autor do korespondencji
Iryna Ablieieva
Sumy State University, 2 Rymskogo-Korsakova St., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2021; 2:27-38
The aim of the paper is to determine the efficiency of petroleum hydrocarbons (PHs) degradation by developed bacterial consortium during bioremediation of oil-contaminated soils caused by accidentally oil spills. Soil samples were collected from three different areas near Bugruvate field of Dnieper-Donets oil and gas region, Sumy region, Ukraine. The total petroleum hydrocarbon was determined by the measurement method using a gravimetric method. Gas chromatographic analysis was used for determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The level of oil contamination follows an increasing preferential order:
Sample 1 < Sample 2 < Sample 3 (5, 10 and 15 g ∙ kg-1 respectively). Soil samples included different concentrations of PHs as follows n-alkanes, fluorine, anthracene, phenanthrene, pyrene, toluene, xylene, benzene and other PHs.
The results of research indicated that the maximum oil degradation rate at the level of 80 % was set at Cin within 4 ÷ 8 g ∙ kg-1 and τ = 70 days, under natural condition. To improve the efficiency of bioremediation of oil-contaminated soils, bioaugmentation was performed using the developed preparation of such bacteria and fungi strains as Pseudoxanthomonas spadix, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Rhodococcus opacus, Acinetobacter baumannii, Bacillus cereus, Actinomyces sp., Mycobacterium flavescens. The results showed 100% of oil concentration was assimilated after 20, 25 and 35 days for the soil samples with initial hydrocarbon concentrations at the level 5, 10 and 15 g ∙ kg-1, respectively.
Bacterial consortium application (bioaugmentation) exhibited high efficiency compared to the indigenous microflora in the oil biodegradation. The optimal growth condition for the bacteria in this study can be set as follows: pH = 3–11, wide temperature range 0–35 °C.