Monitoring the Hydrogen Potential of a River in the Central Andes of Peru From the Cloud
Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica, Facultad de Ingeniería Electrónica-Sistemas, Jr. La Mar N° 755, Pampas-Tayacaja, Huancavelica, Perú
Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú, Unidad de Postgrado de la Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente, Av. Mariscal Castilla N° 3909-4089, Huancayo, Perú
Data publikacji: 01-11-2021
Autor do korespondencji
Hipólito Carbajal Morán
Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica, Facultad de Ingeniería Electrónica-Sistemas, Jr. La Mar N° 755, Pampas-Tayacaja, Huancavelica, Perú
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2021; 6:17-26
The hydrogen potential is one of the parameters of the water which is variable in rivers throughout their journey over the cities, so the objective of the work was to monitor (from the cloud) the pH of the Upamayu river waters (Huancavelica region), located in the Central Andes of Peru. An electronic system was implemented, comprising: DS18B20 temperature sensor, 4502C pH sensor, ESP32 controller, NEO 6M GPS global positioning system, LabVIEW NXG platform, in addition to the web server developed in ThingSpeak. The measurements were established under the protocol for water resources of Peru. As a result, a pH monitoring system of the waters of the river under study was verified. Through the sensors, it takes the data and sends them to the web server located in the cloud via the implemented algorithm. The data read from any remote place through an application implemented in LabVIEW NXG, representing the monitoring station on a GIS map. It was concluded that the values of the hydrogen potential are different in relation to its territorial distribution and in the dry season. Varying pH after the discharge of polluting sources of the population and the places of cattle raising was found; likewise, regeneration of the waters at a certain distance was shown.