Risks Associated with the Impact of Climate Change on the Informal Minig Industry
National University of San Marcos, Av. Carlos Germán Amezaga #375-Cercado de Lima, Peru
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Chota, Cajamarca, Perú
Universidad Continental, Huancayo, Perú
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2024; 1:46-59
The informal mining industry is a highly relevant activity in many regions of the world, providing employment and income to local communities. However, this activity faces significant challenges due to the impact of climate change. The objective of this study was to identify, analyze and synthesize the specific risks associated with the impact of climate change on the informal mining industry. Methodologically it was a review study through a content analysis, in which the search engines were used: Scopus, Redalyc SciELO, Google Academic and WoS. The analysis of the texts made it possible to identify three categories of analysis: a) Environmental challenges in informal mining: Assessment of deforestation, soil degradation and water pollution as a result of climate change, b) Risks to the health and safety of informal mining workers: Exposure to toxic substances and hazards associated with extreme weather events and c) Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies in Informal Mining in the face of Climate Change: Clean Technologies, Training and Improvement of Working Conditions, which allowed to obtain a deeper understanding of the risks associated with the impact of climate change on the informal mining industry, identifying deforestation, soil degradation and water pollution as significant environmental challenges affecting this industry due to climate change.