Inventory and Quantitative Assessment of Belyounech Commune Geosites (East of the Site of Biological and Ecological Interest of Jbel Moussa, Northern Moroccan Rif)
Geosciences Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Tofaïl University, B.P. 133, 14000 Kenitra, Marocco
Geo-Biodiversity and Natural Patrimony Laboratory (GeoBio), Geophysics, Natural Patrimony Research Center (GEOPAC), Institut Scientifique, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco
Laboratory of Environmental Geology and Natural Resources, Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, B.P. 2121, 93002 Tetouan, Morocco
Laboratory of Tourism Engineering, Heritage and Sustainable Development of the Territories, Faculty of Science in Rabat, Mohammed V University, Rabat P.O. Box 1014, Morocco
Autor do korespondencji
Soumaya Ben Ali
Geosciences Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Tofaïl University, B.P. 133, 14000 Kenitra, Marocco
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2023; 7:105-128
In the commune of Bel Younech, which constitutes the eastern part of the Site of Biological and Ecological Interest (SBEI) of Jbel Moussa (Tangier, Tetouan, Al Hoceima, NW Morocco), 13 geosites have been selected along a 14-stop georoad. These sites are characterized by relevant geological diversity representing structural geology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, petrology, geomorphology, hydrogeology and hydrology. Some of these geosites also have a very interesting geoculture. The geodiversity sites have been evaluated using a numerical methodology based on recent literature that aimed to reduce the subjectivity related to any evaluation process. The evaluation concerned the scientific value (SV), the potential for educational use (PEU), the potential for tourist use (PTU) and the risk of degradation (DR), which was quantified using various criteria by assigning scores ranging from 0 to 4.
The results of the quantitative assessment show that 8 sites with a scientific value greater than or equal to 3.5; this value allows them to be considered as geosites. The average values of the PUE and PUT were very high (3.7 and 3.5) while the risk of degradation was moderate (2.03).
The values obtained justify the need of valorization and conservation of Bel Younech commune geosites by integrating the fundamental concepts of sustainable development. In fact, all the geosites are located on a 14-stop georoad; this could serve the geotourism as well as promote the activity and economic development of this commune. This work could be used for scientific, educational (within the framework of earth sciences) and touristic purposes.
Keywords: geodiversity, geological heritage, inventory, Bel Younech commune, (SBEI) of Jbel Moussa, Northern Rif.