The Effect of Fertilizers on the Extraction of Heavy Metals in Soil by Plant Biomass
Department of Soil Science and Agrotechnologies, Institute Agrobiotechnologies and Food Safety, Samarkand State University, University Blvd. 15, Samarkand, 140104, Uzbekistan
Department of Natural Sciences, Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute, Mustakillik Avenue, 225, Kashkadarya Region, Karshi City,180100 Uzbekistan
Autor do korespondencji
Shodi Kholikulov
1Department of Soil Science and Agrotechnologies, Institute Agrobiotechnologies and Food Safety, Samarkand State University, University Blvd. 15, Samarkand, 140104, Uzbekistan
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2024; 1:227-237
According to the data given in the article, the soil around the Samarkand chemical plant is strongly contaminated with heavy metals. The greatest pollution is noted within a radius of 1500–2000 meters from a chemical plant in the western and northern directions. In areas subject to the influence of heavy metals and arsenic, the use of mineral and organic fertilizers reduced the content of mobile forms of these elements in the soil and improved the growth and development of plants. As a result, crop yields increase, and the transfer of heavy metals into plants is reduced. The use of mineral and organic fertilizers in soils contaminated with these elements, along with increasing the yield of cotton, reduced the amount of element removed by the crop by 25–80% compared to the control variant. That is, in the variant where mineral and organic fertilizers were applied together (N250P175K125+Cattle manure, 30 t/ha), the largest reduction in the removal of these elements by the cotton crop was found in the cobalt (80%) and the lowest in the copper (25%).